Sabtu, 20 September 2014

a midsummer sweetness part 2

Hi there!

sorry guys for waitting me so long, I'm so busy and i'm quite lazy to write this blog haha i don't know why?? its need to take time for long.haha. 
Okay I wanna review from my last post and continue to my trip stories into part 2. So, my last post is about I went to whalewatch in steveston and its quite dissapointed because the weather was not condusive to  watched, its cloudy and windy and the whale wasn't showed up.after that, we went to costco!!
yeay I love COSTCO 

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a huge wholesale stores you can find everything in there.Unfortunatelly, I was fasting sooo I couldnt eat a free sample food.haha.yeaah no worried about that. tapi setelah puasa berakhir mainnya selalu ke costco.haha.

Costco foodcourt, you should try a poutine.they've a cheap price and it worth it

The next day, we went to downtown vancouver

downtown view from ubc eyes hospital

it took 20 minutes from richmond.we went to shopping,sightseeing,and eating greek foods. my favourite place is robson street, you can do anything in there.robson street is a major southeast-northwest thoroughfare in downtown.there's many shops and the big one mall pacific centre with over 100 stores like anchor stores include holt renfrew,sport chek and atmosphere
finally sunny! view from Victoria's secret store

downtown night view  at 11 pm 

my freaking awesome cousins, aah I'm gonna missing them!
granville street, in my last daytrip
Richmond Night market " Candy Kingdom"


Sate udang pedas yang paling enak 

the next day in eid fitri, my mom and dad was comming to van!and we went to waterfront areas,harbour center and crossing to lonsdale by took Seabus

Seabus lonsdale quay bay waitting hall
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from canada place
If you want crossing to lonsdale quay bay you can take a Seabus from waterfront station , the ferries operate between approximately 6 am and 1 am daily during the daytime from monday to saturday.
The other attraction in waterfront areas is canada place they've flyover canada. you can fly by a virtual flight and see all over view in canada.

The next day,early morning we went to Seattle by driving a car,and it took 2.5 hours. for the first time I saw traffic jam haha actually its like jakarta or maybe it was friday.we went to premium outlet seattle, for you girls you won't regret it!!.haha.after that touchdown to downtown and having lunched in a famous Crab Pot .

Waktu di Seattle sayangnya cuman sebentar jadi setelah makan, keliling public market,terus ke hard rock shop,terus pulang lagi deh ke vancouver. Someday,I'll be back to Seattle again. dan kayaknya butuh nginep agak lama buat ngelilingi seattle.Kalo dilihat Seattle sama vancouver gak terlalu beda jauh yang paling ngebedain sih banyak orang "degleng" atau gembel yang tinggal atau tidur beralaskan kerdus dan berselimut koran di bawah jembatan jembatan.Kasian dan serem juga sih liatnya, dan ga tau kenapa orang degleng disana lebih serem kayak malak mintain duit.haha. Tapi menurut saya selama kita bisa jaga diri dan menghormati mereka, ga bakal diganggu kok.hehe.

Saat-saat yang ditunggu dari liburan ke vancouver yaitu perjalan ke banff- fernie wohooo!!! its like dreams come true,finally I went to Banff national park, selalu ngebayangin atau ngeliat photo-photo di laptop atau google yang selalu nampilin pemandangan indah  the majestic of Rockie Mountain.It took 10 hours from Richmond to Banff, disepanjang jalan SubhanAllah bangeeet, kerasa banget kita manusia cuman sekecil semut diantara ciptaan Tuhan.
makan siang di pinggir hutan

welcome to Banff
Katanya sih suka ada beruang yang lewat, tapi daritadi nungguin ga keluar-keluar si grizzly bear.mungkin belom jodoh..haha. di banff ini kita visit ke lake louise, kalo diliat-liat hampir mirip Ranu kumbolo looh!!,tapi tetep juara lake louise.disamping lake louise ada hotel fairmount bergaya castle france,lucuuu bangeet disitu kita bisa canoe, berenang,sama mancing tapi katanya kalo untuk mancing harus ada license-nya loh  

The breathtaking Lake Louise

Canoeing with my sisters

The famous Moraine Lake!!
jadi keesokan harinya kita pergi ke Banff Gondola dan ke Moraine Lake huaaah!!! Finally, the breathtaking, and these is a beautiful scnery view that I never seen before.its felt like on dreaming but its real SubhanAllah. SubhanAllah, airnya dingiiiiin banget,terus udaranya disini juga dingin sejuk, ga kerasa abis balik dari canoeing langsung keliatan gosongnya.haha. tapi Puasss!!! intinya banyak banget yang mau diceritain,tapi capek juga ya nulisnya jadi saya buat list-list must've to visit in vancouver dan daerah sekitarnya yah. kalo menurut saya summer is the best time for vacation or maybe you can go when spring time it'll be fun too. 

18 Things to do in Vancouver and Alberta :

1. Steveston:
-whale watching

Finally meet Orcha whale

- Gulf of Georgia Cannery
-Fish and chips pajos
-Steveston Museum
-Steveston waterfront
-Moncton Street

2. Stanley park
TheTotem Pole
view from stanley park
3. Queen Elizabeth Park

4.Granville island

Do kayaking!!or take aqua bus, if you
brave  you can try paddle board

 5. Vancouver Downtown: 
- Vancouver Art Gallery
-Robson street
-svawarma kebab food truck
-Japadogs food truck
-Stepho Greek Restaurant

6. English Bay

7. Gastown

The old spaghetti 
7. Lonsdale Quay Bay
8. Vancouver lookout and canada place
9. Science world
10. Yaletown
11. Lion's Gate Bridge
12. Sky train and Canadian Pacific Railway
13. UBC Botanical Garden
14. Sea to sky clim whistler
15. Capilano Suspension Bridge
16. Grouse Mountain
17. Waterfront, Canada Place
18. Alberta province :
- Banff national park 
-jasper national park
-Waterton national park
waterton national park